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Ever found yourself puzzling over whether to get dental implants vs crowns?

You’re not alone.

This decision stumps many patients, and for good reason. Both options can restore your smile, but they work in very different ways.

According to the American College of Prosthodontists reports that more than 36 million Americans are missing all their teeth in one or both jaws. That’s a lot of people potentially weighing these options! Dr. K, our Grand Prairie dentist is here to help!

Understanding Dental Implants

Let’s start with dental implants. Think of them as artificial tooth roots. We surgically place these titanium posts into your jawbone, where they fuse with the bone over time. This process, called Osseo integration, creates a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth.

Implants don’t just replace the visible part of your tooth. They replace the root too. This matters because it helps maintain your jawbone health. When you lose a tooth, you start to lose bone in that area. Implants stop that process, preserving your facial structure.

One big advantage of implants? They function just like natural teeth. You can eat, speak, and smile with confidence, knowing your replacement tooth is anchored securely in your jaw.

dental implants cost survey

Decoding Dental Crowns

A dental crown is essentially a cap that covers your existing tooth. We use crowns to restore teeth that are damaged, decayed, or weakened. They can also improve the appearance of misshapen or discolored teeth.

Crowns come in various materials. Porcelain crowns offer the most natural look, while metal crowns are incredibly durable. We also have porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, which combine strength and aesthetics.

Unlike implants, crowns don’t replace your entire tooth. They rely on your natural tooth root for support. This means we need to have enough healthy tooth structure to attach the crown.

Comparing Functionality

When it comes to function, both implants and crowns aim to restore your ability to chew and speak normally. But there are some differences.

Dental implants mimic natural teeth almost perfectly. They’re anchored in your jaw, so they provide the same bite force as your original teeth. You can eat all your favorite foods without worry.

Crowns, while effective, may not always match the strength of natural teeth. Depending on the condition of the underlying tooth, you might need to be a bit more careful with very hard foods.

Speech-wise, both options usually allow for normal talking. However, implants might have a slight edge here. Because they’re rooted in your jaw, they feel and function more like natural teeth, which can make speech feel more natural too.

Aesthetic Considerations

Both implants and crowns can look incredibly natural. Modern materials allow us to match the color and shape of your existing teeth perfectly.

Implants have a slight edge in gum line aesthetics. Because they’re rooted in your jaw, they maintain the natural gum line better over time. This can be especially important for front teeth.

Crowns, while beautiful initially, may show a dark line at the gum over time, especially if you opt for porcelain-fused-to-metal. All-porcelain crowns avoid this issue but may not be as strong.

Durability and Longevity

Implants win the longevity race. With proper care, they can last a lifetime. The crown on top of the implant might need replacement after 10-15 years, but the implant itself can stay put.

Crowns typically last 10-15 years before needing replacement. Their lifespan depends on your oral hygiene, habits, and the health of the underlying tooth.

Maintenance-wise, both require regular brushing and flossing. Implants need care just like natural teeth. Crowns need extra attention at the gum line to prevent decay on the underlying tooth.

dental implants vs crownsThe Procedure: What to Expect

Implant placement procedure involves surgery. We place the implant, wait for it to heal (usually a few months), then attach the crown. It’s a longer process but results in a completely new tooth.

Getting a crown is quicker. We prepare your existing tooth, take impressions, and fit the crown. Often, this can be done in just two visits.

Recovery from implant surgery takes longer and may involve some discomfort. Crown procedures usually have minimal recovery time.

Cost Considerations

Initially, implants cost more than crowns. They involve surgery and multiple components (implant, abutment, and crown).

Crowns have a lower upfront cost. However, they may need replacement more often than implants, which could increase long-term costs.

Insurance coverage varies for dental implants vs crowns. Many plans cover crowns but consider implants elective. Always check with your provider.

Making Your Decision

Consider these factors:

    • Condition of your existing tooth
    • Long-term oral health goals
    • Budget
    • Aesthetic preferences
    • Willingness to undergo surgery

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to dental implants vs crowns. What works best for your neighbor might not be right for you. That’s why professional advice is crucial.

Act Now!

At Grand Prairie Family Dentistry, we know you want to be confident in your smile and oral health. To achieve that, you need a dental solution that fits your unique needs and lifestyle. The problem is choosing between dental implants in Grand Prairie Tx and crowns can be overwhelming, which makes you feel uncertain about your decision.

We believe everyone deserves a personalized approach to dental care. We understand that this decision impacts your daily life and long-term health, which is why Dr. Behrooz Khademazad, a top dentist in Grand Prairie Tx, 0ffers expert guidance tailored to your specific situation.

Here’s how we do it:

    1. Comprehensive Evaluation: We thoroughly examine your oral health and discuss your goals.
    2. Personalized Treatment Plan: We create a plan that considers your health, budget, and preferences.
    3. Ongoing Support: We guide you through the entire process, from decision-making to aftercare.

So, schedule your consultation with Dr. Khademazad today. Stop living with dental uncertainty and instead embrace a future of confident smiles and optimal oral health.

dental implants cost survey



Can a dental implant fail?

While rare, implant failure can occur. Proper care and regular check-ups minimize this risk.

Will a crown look natural?

Modern crowns are designed to match your natural teeth in color and shape.

How long does it take to get an implant?

The entire process typically takes 3-6 months, depending on healing time.

Can I replace my crown with an implant later?

Yes, but it’s best to make this decision early to preserve bone structure.

Do implants or crowns require special care?

Both dental implants and crowns require regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth. No special care is needed.


Grand Prairie Family Dentistry

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972-988-0900 (office)


2475 W Pioneer Pkwy Grand Prairie, Texas, 75051

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Monday – 9am-5pm (Closed 1pm-2pm)
Tuesday – 9am-5pm (Closed 1pm-2pm)
Wednesday – 9am-5pm (Closed 1pm-2pm)
Thursday – 11am-7pm (Closed 2pm-3pm)
Friday – Closed
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